Universal Spanking - The Spanking Punishment Of Lynn Casey



The Spanking Punishment Of Lynn Casey. Lynn Casey is often known to get nice girl spankings. She’s bubbly, fun, and always full of energy. Unfortunately though on this occasion, Lynn gets her round ass spanked hard and you can see the results clearly! She earned a true punishment through bad behavior and she is bent over a table to be spanked in tight blue jeans. Soon those jeans are pulled down and the Canadian Prison Strap is applied to her bottom. The strokes get faster and become more intense as the punishment moves forward, there’s nothing easy about taking a spanking like this.. Next, Lynn is given searing strokes of the rubber strap with holes. The rubber strap welts Lynn like never before and she struggles, but her struggle shows that she is really feeling a sense of remorse for her dangerous speeding infractios. Finally, Lynn is paddled. The wooden paddle with holes is so painful, but rest assured some solid swats on an exposed behind should certainly adjust the attitude of an errant young lady. Lynn is also warned that if her behavior does not change as the evening moves forward that she will also receive her first punishment caning. For her sake, let’s hope that her painful time bent over and being spanked, strapped, and paddled did the job..

Watch The Spanking Punishment Of Lynn Casey 2016 Porn Movies Online Free or Download Free. The Spanking Punishment Of Lynn Casey Porn Movies belong to Universal Spanking Studio. Lynn Casey Pornstars are performing in The Spanking Punishment Of Lynn Casey Porn Movies. The Spanking Punishment Of Lynn Casey Porn Movies from Genres Amateur, Amateur Fetish, Appearance, Big Butt, Clip Artists, Clothing, Fetish, Fetish Clip Artists, Jeans & Denim, Pro-Am, Spanking, Spanking - M on F.
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01. 102 min. 02. 106 min. 03. 120 min. 04. 12008 05. 12010 06. 12024 07. 150 min. 08. 169 min. 09. 1971 10. 1973 11. 1974 12. 1975 13. 1976 14. 1977 15. 1978 16. 1979 17. 1980 18. 1981 19. 1982 20. 1983 21. 1984 22. 1985 23. 1986 24. 1987 25. 1988 26. 1989 27. 1990 28. 1991 29. 1992 30. 1993 31. 1994 32. 1995 33. 1996 34. 1997 35. 1998 36. 1999 37. 2000 38. 2001 39. 2002 40. 2003 41. 2004 42. 2005 43. 2006 44. 2007 45. 2008 46. 2009 47. 2010 48. 2011 49. 2012 50. 2013 51. 2014 52. 2015 53. 2016 54. 2017 55. 2018 56. 2019 57. 2020 58. 2021 59. 2022 60. 2023 61. 2024 62. 2025 63. 209 min. 64. 22014 65. 22024 66. 5 67. 8 68. 98 min. 69. No tags 2024