OGV - L.A. Meat
Porn Movies 57535
1998 192
Analysa Reese 1 Angelica 40 Bio 4138 Dee Baker 76 Helena 24 Jessica Darlin 45 Mark Davis 297 Randy West 28 Vince Vouyer 60
OGV 12
'90s 661 Appearance 24053 Classic 1361 Gonzo 18941 Short Hair & Pixie 1168
2 hours long!. After receiving a few letters from some out-of-town talent, I decided to shoot right here in L.A. I started with pre-Labor Day Party auditions. Up first was Analysa, who had just driven from Florida to Vegas to get married, and then straight to my office for her cock sucking audition. She passed. Next was Corey, our cute box cover girl, who only had to drive in from Orange County. This little stripper decided to take some cock on video for the very first time, so I had her try out at the office. She passed. Last but not least were Angelica and Rich, a couple from Miami Beach. They both passed..