Universal Spanking - Never Leaving Home



Never Leaving Home. In the video we met Ten Amorette, a girl looking to move back home to stay with her Dad once times got tough for her. Her Daddy was willing to let her return, but he didn’t want to face the pitfalls of their previous home life and Ten would have to agree to strict discipline to move back in her old room. When Daddy and Stepdaughter made their agreement for her to return, she was spanked right then and there,…and she finally willingly accepted the caring discipline that her father had always offered. Now, in “Never Leaving Home” we catch up with Ten Amorette, and her life has changed. She’s been doing very well living with the strict rules at home, and she’s been advancing in her career, in fact,…she’s been offered a new job! After months of regular corporal punishment and good living, her career is booming and we get to see the last scheduled weekly punishment for Ten before her new life begins.. Ten’s spanking starts out with her Dad’s hand smacking her firm bottom. She can feel the sting through her tight blue jeans and the heat intensifies when she must pull them down and only a thin pair of panties protects her buns. Next, Ten’s Dad uses her own leather belt on her bottom, followed up by licks on her bare cheeks with a long handled leather slapper! The agony hurts Ten’s tender bottom, but she’s come to expect these type of sessions since moving back home, and honestly they’ve done her some good! A solid leather paddle is then used on her glowing cheeks, certainly Ten despises the spankings, but she appreciates the lessons that they teach each and every time. The weekly punishment continues when a long Canadian prison strap is used to sizzle Ten’s exposed backside, but nothing can ever prepare her for naked punishment, and how the razor strap always makes her struggle!. The final part of her spanking involves many swats with a wooden paddle. The paddle seems to always make Ten the most sore, but she’s come to respect the board as a tool for learning. In a shocking surprise for her Daddy as things were wrapping up, Ten divulged that the job offered to her out of state was also available a couple of towns over. It’ll be up to Ten and her Dad at this point to decide the best options for her, and if she’d do better and have a brighter future staying at home..

Watch Never Leaving Home 2015 Porn Movies Online Free or Download Free. Never Leaving Home Porn Movies belong to Universal Spanking Studio. Ten Amorette Pornstars are performing in Never Leaving Home Porn Movies. Never Leaving Home Porn Movies from Genres Amateur, Amateur Fetish, BDSM, Character, Clip Artists, Domination, Family Roleplay, Fetish, Fetish Clip Artists, Homemade Movies, Spanking, Spanking - M on F.
Porn Movies Release Year
01. 102 min. 02. 106 min. 03. 120 min. 04. 12008 05. 12010 06. 12024 07. 150 min. 08. 165 min. 09. 169 min. 10. 1971 11. 1973 12. 1974 13. 1975 14. 1976 15. 1977 16. 1978 17. 1979 18. 1980 19. 1981 20. 1982 21. 1983 22. 1984 23. 1985 24. 1986 25. 1987 26. 1988 27. 1989 28. 1990 29. 1991 30. 1992 31. 1993 32. 1994 33. 1995 34. 1996 35. 1997 36. 1998 37. 1999 38. 2000 39. 2001 40. 2002 41. 2003 42. 2004 43. 2005 44. 2006 45. 2007 46. 2008 47. 2009 48. 2010 49. 2011 50. 2012 51. 2013 52. 2014 53. 2015 54. 2016 55. 2017 56. 2018 57. 2019 58. 2020 59. 2021 60. 2022 61. 2023 62. 2024 63. 2025 64. 209 min. 65. 22014 66. 22024 67. 22025 68. 4 scenes 69. 5 70. 8 71. 98 min. 72. No tags 2024