Mario Salieri Productions - La Cena Del Peccato
Porn Movies 57535
2010 1170
Bio 4138 Blondy 9 Conny Dachs 114 Franco Roccaforte 233 Frank Gunn 240 Holly Black 6 Laura Black 7 Madalina Ray 3 Mercedes 44 Patrick De Smet 2 Rene Bar 4 Zora Banks 22
Mario Salieri Productions 181
Feature 3742 International 18994 Italian Language 327 Italy 605 Language 3174 Plot Oriented 7323
La Cena Del PeccatoConny Crow plays one of the main characters, and in this movie, he cleans up shop. Most of the scenes take place in a restaurant, but apparently, the only thing on the menu is beautiful women and their tight little snatches. He can’t resist, and so throughout the movie, he’s caught being fondled and being fucked by multiple beautiful women, from dark haired to blondes. Franco Roccaforte also makes a guest appearance in this film, and he cleans up the rest of the “food” left in the restaurant!