Blue Vanities - Softcore Nudes 577: 1960’s (Color and B&W)
Porn Movies 63304
2010 1185
Angie 60 Carol Witt 1 Dorian Grant 5 Doris 11 Flo The Flasher 1 Lisa 69 Lupe 1 Shanna 4 Shelly 6 Wendy Sweeny 1
Blue Vanities 175
Classic 1435 Compilation 5235 Vintage Porn 264
Softcore Nudes 577: 1960’s (Color and B&W)Classic vintage stag films, American and European porno loops, arcade nude, and strippers. Blue Vanities presents the greatest and hottest films from the 1920’s to the 1980’s. An exciting nostalgia trip.Split BeaversIncludes:DORIS, 1fCAROL WITT, 1f (Carol Witt)FLO THE FLASHER, 1fSHANNA, 1fTONI, 1fWENDY SWEENEY, 1f (Wendy Sweeny)LUPE, 1fSHELLY, 1fANGIE, 1fLISA, 1f